

Acupuncture can help relieve pain and treat a range of other complaints. However, the exact way in which it works remains unclear. Some people believe it works by balancing vital energy, while others believe it has a neurological effect.

Acupuncture involvesTrusted Source inserting very thin needles into the body at different locations and depths. It aims to balance the life forces known as Qi that are responsible for different health issues.

Acupuncture involves inserting needles into the body to stimulate sensory nerves in the skin and muscles. This may help treatTrusted Source chronic pain and other physical conditions.

Acupuncture has roots in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is now a common complementary treatmentTrusted Source worldwide.

Benefits of Acupuncture :
  • People can effectively combine acupuncture with other treatments.
  • Effective acupuncture can help manage chronic painTrusted Source, migraine, and headaches.
  • Acupuncture carries a low risk of side effects.
  • It is a flexible form of treatment that can target numerous health concerns at once.